Stay updated to our latest news.
A Future Without Plastic Waste
Andrew Forrest AO 2017 WA Australian of the Year recently discussed plastic and his commodity-based idea to solve the problem with Chris Anderson, Head of TED.
Aboriginal Cultural Awareness session in high demand
Aboriginal Cultural Awareness and Knowledge sessions are a highly sought-after initiative offered by Auspire to build social and cultural inclusion.
2020 WA Australian of the Year Award recipients announced
The 2020 WA Australian of the Year Awards have been announced in a ceremony at Government House in Perth on 7 November 2019. The four WA recipients will join those from the other states and territories for the national awards ceremony at the National Arboretum in Canberra on 25 January 2020 – the 60th anniversary of the awards.
Celebrating 60 Years, featuring Ms Ita Buttrose, AC OBE
Discussions of Ms Buttrose high-profile position as Chair of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, as well as her various organisations and causes which she generously donates her time to such as National Ambassador of Dementia Australia, Patron of the Macular Disease Foundation, Emeritus Director Arthritis Australia and Ambassador for Breast Cancer Network Australia.
Auspire promotes their grass-roots program at The Education Show in Melbourne
2019 has been a busy year and we are excited to announce that across Australia, there are now over 740 schools participating in our grass-roots school-based Program, reaching almost 260,000 students.
Board Secretariat – Volunteer Role
Auspire is currently seeking to fill a volunteer board support role of Board Secretariat. We are keen to hear from those who wish to become involved.
Developing Community Leaders Initiative
An initiative developing young people, predominantly from CaLD and other disadvantaged backgrounds, into strong community leaders.
60 years of the Australian of the Year Awards
January 2020 will mark the 60th anniversary of the Australian of the Year Awards, honouring and celebrating great Australians from all walks of life.
New Chair for Australia Day Council WA
Auspire proudly announces new Chair of the Board, Mr. Bradley Woods.
Auspire acknowledges National Reconciliation Week 2019
Through Auspire’s partnerships with various organisations Auspire is able to support the acknowledgement and recognition of our First Nations People to ensure its significance in our progress as a collective nation.
Inspiring Australians Network – Sundowner
In recognition of Australian of the Year Awards Alumni and Auspire Ambassadors, and their ongoing support of Auspire – the Australia Day Council of WA and their community initiatives.
Auspire Australia Day Launch Breakfast 2019
Auspire – The Australia Day Council WA collaborated with Reconciliation WA and The City of Perth to launch Australia Day for the state with a fabulous inclusive ceremony, held at the City of Perth on 23rd January.