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Click here to read news article: A multicultural Australia for all

A multicultural Australia for all

The Multicultural Framework Review report ‘Towards Fairness – A multicultural Australia for all’, the first major examination into Australia’s multiculturalism, has been published, with 29 recommendations made to the Commonwealth…

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Click here to read news article: Western Australian businesses celebrated for diversity and inclusion initiatives in new awards

Western Australian businesses celebrated for diversity and inclusion initiatives in new awards

Businesses promoting diversity and inclusion within Western Australia have been recognised in the inaugural BHP and CCIWA Diversity and Inclusion Awards. These Awards celebrate organisations and individuals who have gone…

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Click here to read news article: Paola Magni: Making the rules

Paola Magni: Making the rules

For many people, moving to Australia is the dream, but this wasn’t the case for Italian forensic scientist, Dr Paola Magni. While making Perth her home was not part of…

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Click here to read news article: NAIDOC Week 2024 puts the spotlight on Aboriginal culture and achievements

NAIDOC Week 2024 puts the spotlight on Aboriginal culture and achievements

From awards to workshops, NAIDOC Week has put a deserving spotlight on the stories, cultures and contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Taking place from 7-14 July, the…

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Click here to read news article: Woolworths Renews Commitment to Stocking Australian Flag

Woolworths Renews Commitment to Stocking Australian Flag

Auspire – Australia Day Council WA is pleased to learn that Woolworths has made the decision to restock Australian flags in stores. Just in time for the upcoming Paris Olympics,…

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Click here to read news article: Leading with empathy: WA 2024 Australian of the Year, Mechelle Turvey, continues her incredible impact

Leading with empathy: WA 2024 Australian of the Year, Mechelle Turvey, continues her incredible impact

It was an emotional and inspiring morning on Tuesday 18 June, with the latest Inspiring Australians’ Breakfast taking place with special guest, WA 2024 Australian of the Year, Mechelle Turvey….

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Click here to read news article: High school students receive a lesson in finding your purpose from Australian of the Year Alumni

High school students receive a lesson in finding your purpose from Australian of the Year Alumni

On Wednesday 12 June, almost 300 WA high school students gained top tips and words of advice on turning passion into purpose, from experienced and successful social enterprise founders who…

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Click here to read news article: Adele Peek: The sky’s the limit

Adele Peek: The sky’s the limit

Adele Peek is a proud Yawuru/Bunuba woman whose journey originates from the bustling outer suburbs of Melbourne to the remote corners of Broome. Living with undiagnosed dyslexia, education wasn’t just…

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Click here to read news article: WA Australian of the Year Alumni inspire university students to turn their passion into purpose

WA Australian of the Year Alumni inspire university students to turn their passion into purpose

Take risks, challenge the status quo and nothing is impossible unless you give up on yourself. These were just a few of the motivational words from 2024 WA Australian of…

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Click here to read news article: Leading with Diversity: Migrant Women Redefining Leadership

Leading with Diversity: Migrant Women Redefining Leadership

On Thursday 4 April, Auspire collaborated with our esteemed Ambassador, Dr Sandy Chong, to shine a light on the achievements and challenges faced by migrant women in leadership. Held at…

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Click here to read news article: Isaac Bhalsod: Advocating for change to prevent future tragedy

Isaac Bhalsod: Advocating for change to prevent future tragedy

If you’re unfamiliar with the impact of Isaac Bhalsod, it is one where family tragedy leads to positive change for the benefit of others. In late 2022, during a time…

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Click here to read news article: An interview with Caroline Wood AM

An interview with Caroline Wood AM

It has been two years since Auspire sat down with Centre for Stories co-founder, Caroline Wood AM. Then, the creative organisation was slowly getting back to normal following the worst…

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