New Australia Day grants program now open
In 2020, the National Australia Day Council network launched a new campaign, The Story of Australia, that calls on Australians to reflect, respect and celebrate on Australia Day. The theme is about encouraging us all to reflect on our country’s unique history, which began more than 65,000 years ago and the impact European settlement had on our First Australians. It asks us to reflect on the waves of immigration that have helped us become one of the world’s greatest multicultural success stories and it asks us to listen to each other with openness and respect.
At the same time we should celebrate the contributions of everyday Australians, just like those in the campaign, and demonstrate this by coming together and connecting with family, friends, community.
Research completed in February 2020 found the campaign “encouraged a sense of belonging, relevance and positivity towards Australia Day”. More information can be found here.
To support Local Government, which plays a vital role on Australia Day in Western Australia, an $8 Million, Australia Day event grants program has been launched. It is being offered across two packages to assist the local government sector support the national campaign narrative and deliver COVID-Safe Australia Day events in 2021.
If you are a local government authority, please visit our Grant Application page to find out more.
Auspire – Australia Day Council of Western Australia has a dedicated Manager – Grants Program to support Local Councils apply and make Australia Day 2021 a huge success.
For more information, please contact us.