National Reconciliation Week 2020
National Reconciliation Week 2020
Each year Reconciliation Australia chooses a theme for NRW. This year, the theme In this together encourages all Australians to reflect on the part they play – whether big or small – on the journey towards reconciliation.
This year also marks the 20th Anniversary of the Reconciliation Walks of 2000, when people came together to walk on bridges and roads across the nation and show their support for a more reconciled Australia.
Auspire showed its support throughout this very important week by developing and delivering a number of initiatives. Firstly, Auspire officially recognised National Sorry Day then participated in the national “virtual Acknowledgement of Country” on social media, with a video message delivered by General Manager Programs, Anne-Marie Farley.
On Thursday 28th May Auspire delivered another in its series of online Aboriginal Cultural Awareness and Understanding training workshops. These workshops highlight Auspire’s role in helping to foster relationships and develop understanding, respect and value for our First Nations people’s, cultures and histories.
Throughout the week Auspire continued to share a series of messages from its Inspiring Australians Network members. They spoke on what reconciliation means to them and how we all can play a role in the process of reconciliation.
To wrap up the week, on Wednesday 3rd June, Auspire’s hosted a Lunch with Leaders online event featuring a panel of Aboriginal community leaders and Australian of the Year Awards alumni including Dr Robert Isaacs AM, Prof Cheryl Kickett-Tucker (WA Local Hero), Rishelle Hume AM and Yarlalu Thomas (WA Young Australian of the Year). The panel discussion and Q&A session was facilitated by Krista Dunstan (2012 and 2015 WA Young Australian of the Year finalist). This event was booked out within 48 hours and participants had the opportunity to share their own thoughts and engage with the distinguished panel.
“National Reconciliation Week is the perfect time for all Australians to understand not only the spirit of the world’s oldest continuing culture but also to acknowledge our shared histories and achievements.” said Morgen Lewis – CEO Auspire Australia day Council WA. “It provides us with this fantastic opportunity to explore ways we can all contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia and how we can show our respect and celebrate Aboriginal people and their outstanding contribution to our Australian Identity.”
For more information about Reconciliation Week and how you may in the future become more involved, contact Auspire or visit Reconciliation Australia.