Community Citizen of the Year Awards nominations hit record high

Active citizenship, selflessness and community contribution are well and truly present throughout Western Australia, as nominations for the 2022 Community Citizen of the Year Awards have surpassed previous years!
More than 800 submissions were received by the official closing date of 31 October 2021.
It is now up to the 75 participating councils to select their recipients across the four categories: Community Citizen of the Year, Young Community Citizen of the Year, Senior Community Citizen of the Year, and Active Citizenship (Group or Event).
Recipients will be announced and awarded during ceremonies on Australia Day.
The Community Citizen of the Year Awards celebrates active citizens who are going above and beyond for their communities. The Awards not only honour them as individuals but raise awareness of their cause and inspire others to make a positive impact.
“While it is great to receive a record number of nominations, it is even more wonderful to see the diversity in the nominations,” said Auspire CEO, Morgen Lewis. “People with many different backgrounds and from all walks of life, who are contributing greatly to their communities to make them better places to live, so that we can all Reflect, Respect and Celebrate this Australia Day.”
Find out more about the Community Citizen of the Year Awards at