Auspire attends roundtable with Australia’s Ambassador to the USA
The Perth USAsia Centre hosted an intimate roundtable lunch with Australia’s Ambassador to the USA, Mr Joe Hockey this week. Chaired by his predecessor, His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia, The Hon. Kim Beazley, the meeting was made up of a number of invited community leaders and influencers from many different business and community sectors.
Topics of discussion were wide ranging and over two hours included Australia’s global trade relationships, President Trump’s unique leadership style, the growing lack of respect for our institutions, cyber security and Australia’s terrific global reputation which is centred around our values of authenticity, high-standards, mateship and tolerance.
“With only 25 seats available at each roundtable, it is a privilege to be invited and contribute to the discussion along with some of Western Australia’s leading figures across the government, business, and not-for-profit sector” said Auspire CEO, Morgen Lewis.
The Perth USAsia Centre is considered a leading think tank, focusing on geo-political issues, policy development and building a strategic affairs community across government, private sector and academia. It regularly hosts invite-only roundtable discussions with Australian and international diplomats and world-leading foreign policy experts, covering international diplomacy, trade, economics and security challenges in the Indo-Pacific region.