
WATCH: 2025 Australia’s Local Heroes discuss the power of social enterprise and inclusive employment this Harmony Week

  • 21 March 2025

This Harmony Week, Auspire hosted a Lunch with Leaders with two 2025 Australian of the Year Alumni who emulate inclusion, respect and empowerment to vulnerable people whose stories start from all over the world, but feature barriers and hardship.

During the free online event, Vanessa Brettell and Hannah Costello, founders of Café Stepping Stone, shared all about their social enterprise that provides training and employment to women from migrant and refugee backgrounds. It is an initiative that saw them recognised as Australia’s Local Heroes in the Australian of the Year Awards.

After sharing the impact of the award over the last couple of months, they took us back to the beginning of how they met, living in London, starting Café Stepping Stone in Colombia, where they focused on supporting the local youth. The conversation moved on to how they returned to their home of Australia during COVID-19 and now run two locations in Canberra, providing hospitality skills, English language practice and digital literacy to beneficiaries who gain employment through the program.

screenshot of online event with speakers and audience

Questions from the audience soon came thick and fast, prompting themes such as having an all-female workspace, accrediting skilled workers and supporting workers to get accredited, diversifying operations for expansion, and challenges that beneficiaries find adjusting to a new environment.

With fellow Local Heroes recognised in States and Territories attending the live event and supporting Vanessa and Hannah, it was truly an inspiring event full of meaningful conversation and impact.

Watch the full episode now!

Are you inspired by Vanessa and Hannah’s story? Nominate someone you know who makes an impact, at

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