WA Youth Week Ambassadors – call for nominations

Youth Week WA is the single largest celebration of young people on the Western Australian youth calendar.
The objectives of WA Youth week are to give young people aged 12–25 years an opportunity to express their ideas and views, raise important youth issues, create opportunities for young people to participate in a range of activities which support their interests and development, and have fun as well as give the wider community the opportunity to listen to young people and celebrate the positive contributions they make to the community.
The Department of Communities invites young people aged 18–25 years to nominate for Youth Week WA’s Ambassador or Deputy Ambassador roles. There are some eligibility criteria, so make sure you read the information for applicants, complete the online form, upload a current CV or résumé and return by 4pm Monday, 17 September 2018.
If you have any questions, please enquire here
The Department of Communities also provides grants to support community events across the state during Youth Week WA which runs from about the middle of April in WA each year.