Reconciliation high on Auspire Agenda
As Australia recognises National Reconciliation Week (NRW) we continue the journey towards a more just, equitable and reconciled nation.
Auspire keenly supports Reconciliation Australia’s theme for 2021 ‘More than a Word’, urging the reconciliation movement towards a socially and culturally inclusive nation through braver and more impactful action.
Reconciliation Week Street Banners
We again supported the Reconciliation Week Street Banners display with Auspire sponsored banners on St George’s Terrace and at the Perth Cultural Precinct. We’re proud to be part of this initiative which demonstrates a positive contribution towards reconciliation and acknowledges the significant place of Aboriginal people and culture within our community.
Reconciliation Week Breakfast
We kicked off the week by attending the 2021 National Reconciliation Week Breakfast on 28 May at Optus Stadium. Representatives from our Board, Staff, corporate supporters and award alumni enjoyed time to reflect on the reconciliation movement, how far it’s come and how much more we can do.
We were extremely proud that WA Australian of the Year Awards Alumni featured prominently at the breakfast with the wonderfully wise Dr Richard Walley OAM delivering another enlightening Welcome to Country, Prof Helen Milroy as such an eloquent and sincere panel member and June Oscar AO delivering her vision for the future in her keynote address from ‘on Bunuba country’.
Reflections on Reconciliation
During the week we shared reflections from Australian of the Year Alumni Helen Milroy and Richard Walley and Lead Ambassador Rishelle Hume on social media. We value their cultural wisdom, their thoughts on reconciliation and we’re proud that they’re part of the ‘Auspire family’.
Aboriginal Cultural Awareness
Our week culminated with Auspire delivering another in our series of inspiring Aboriginal Cultural Understanding and Awareness Workshops facilitated by our cultural adviser and Noongar Leader Danny Ford.
Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Unless we understand the magnitude of what’s happened in the past we can’t move forward to true reconciliation.