Inspiring Australians – Australia Day Launch 2020
The Inspiring Australians Launch Breakfast took place on Tuesday 21st January with over 300 guests attending. Delivered in partnership with the City of Perth and Reconciliation WA, Auspire proudly presented a number of inspirational speakers including Nyoongar Whadjuk leader Dr Richard Walley OAM performing a Welcome to Country and the Honourable Kim Beazley AC Governor of Western Australia who delivered his Australia Day Address.
The event allowed us to take a moment to reflect upon and acknowledge the truth of our history as an important part of our journey towards reconciliation and to ensure all Australians feel a sense of belonging on our National Day.
Ms Lewis, CEO of Auspire – Australia Day Council WA spoke about the importance of all Australians; past, present and future and the role we all play in the Australian success story and the new Australia Day theme nationally was emphasised.
“Regardless of where each of our personal stories began, the faith we follow or the language we grew up speaking, our aim is to inspire everyone on Australia Day to first reflect and respect, before we celebrate our nation’s place in the world.” she said.
The achievements and contribution of WA’s 2020 Australian of the Year recipients were also acknowledged as they prepared to depart to Canberra for the announcement of the national awards.
Ms Carol Innes, co-Chair of Reconciliation WA spoke about how important it is to work and walk together on the reconciliation journey and echoed Ms Lewis’ words about the importance of reflection on Australia Day, particularly of the significant impact European settlement had on our Nation’s First Peoples.
The Governor of Western Australia, The Hon Kim Beazley AC, who is also Patron of Auspire – Australia Day Council WA was unreserved when he spoke about the harsh and devastating impact of the bushfires currently ravaging our country and spoke proudly of the iconic mateship and Aussie spirit demonstrated by Australians in these desperate times of need.
“Make no mistake” he said. “The Australian character is world renowned; built on a foundation of genuine mateship and standing by our fellow Australians.”
A beautiful and moving performance of music and and story-telling by Dr Richard Walley and musicians from the Perth Symphony Orchestra closed the event on a high, with City of Perth’s Chair Commissioner praising the partnership of the three organisations for “setting a tone” for Australia Day 2020 that we may all be proud of of.
Read The Governor’s speech.
And take a look at the event photo album.