
Community Citizen of the Year: Representing Nigeria in Western Australia

  • 12 April 2023

Being a medical practitioner, Dr Pedus Eweama contributes to the City of Swan community by providing his help and expertise on health matters.

During his experience and training, he has been exposed to the gaps in community service in Western Australia, since moving here 18 years ago. His desire to contribute to the wellbeing of Australians both physically and mentally, combined with his personal journey as a Nigerian migrant, has led to him having a profound impact on his community.

Outside of his medical practice, Pedus is chairperson of the Nigerian Association of Western Australia (NAWA) and chairperson of the Council of Nigerian Association Presidents in Australia (CoNAPA). He is also involved with the Organisation of African Communities in WA (OACWA).

man giving a speech on stage

“Through my community leadership, I have seen a new generation of young people striving to achieve excellence in their chosen careers, engage more proactively with their families and communities, and willing to support the growth of an inclusive, healthy and prosperous multicultural community.”

While he strives to make WA an even more inclusive society, Pedus is a community advocate and proud Australian. He speaks of the professional development opportunities he has been given thanks to being “part of a progressive society that encourages a fair-go for everyone without parochial considerations.” He proclaims that he has been able to pursue his “hopes, dreams and aspirations in a society that values and rewards diligence, dedication to duty and personal responsibility.” And he describes community as being the foundation upon which families – the bedrock of society – thrives and succeeds, which is why it’s so important for people to contribute to theirs.

group of people smiling at camera

“Thriving communities are more liveable and sustainable communities. Our contributions to community growth empowers individuals from various backgrounds and enhances inclusiveness through participation. Whether we are mentoring young people to make informed career choices, protecting or preserving the environment or advocating for community wellbeing or inclusiveness, we are paving the way for the next generation to thrive and succeed on the foundations we have laid.”

While he appears to be a natural born leader, Pedus recommends a three-step process for aspiring young leaders, called the UTE of Leadership.

“Understand the terrain of leadership; Test your potentials as a leader; and Explore the enormous opportunities. Essentially, every emerging leader needs that suitable UTE that can drive them to succeed.”

man giving speech at lectern

In acknowledgement of his contributions to community, Pedus received the 2023 Community Citizen of the Year Award from the City of Swan. He credits the award for demonstrating Australia to be a country of fairness, equity and justice; fostering greater ties between African organisations and the council; and encouraging him to continue to advocate for African leaders within a multicultural WA.

Nominate your Community Citizen of the Year at

The 2023 Community Citizen of the Year Awards are proudly supported by the Department of Communities, 9 News Perth, 6PR Perth and

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