Civics and Citizenship masterclass gets a vote of confidence

Auspire joined forces with the Constitutional Centre in West Perth to again host a fully booked community masterclass about Active Citizenship and the Constitution on Tuesday 6th November with over 65 people registering to attend.
The Masterclass covered the Australian Constitution, the Parliamentary system, law-making, political parties and how to vote during elections. In addition to this, Auspire had invited community leader Ms Cynthia Wright from Regions of Africa who talked about the outstanding benefits of civic leadership and active citizenship.
Cynthia shared her story of coming to Australia as a young student and the struggles she faced to accept this transition in her life. She talked about how she overcame feeling homesick, by getting involved with the community, volunteering and engaging with her peers. On talking about isolation, she suggested to focus on the similarities that you may share with another person to avoid feeling different or being left out because of your race, age or colour. She appreciated Australian values of inclusion and fair go and the democratic rights of an Australian citizen that gave her courage and confidence to accept Australia as her home.
Cynthia concluded her speech with the final point to mention the importance of being a good digital citizen. With the rise in the use of technology especially in schools and workplaces, it is extremely important to be safe and use technology appropriately.
Auspire is running Civics and citizenship forums and masterclasses throughout the year so if you are interested in attending or wish to book a forum, please contact us to discuss.
Watch this space for details of our next Civics and Citizenship workshop.