
City of Perth and Auspire’s Australia Day Festival collaboration

  • 22 January 2021

As part of the Commonwealth’s CovidSafe Capital City Iconic Grant program and in partnership with the City of Perth, Auspire – Australia Day Council WA is proud to deliver a never-before-seen experience of an immersive storytelling light show in Elizabeth Quay as the cornerstone event for the City’s Australia Day Festival.

Running over five nights with two sessions a night, show-goers experience an immersive audio-visual show of light installations, accompanied by live performance and art. The highlight of the show is the use of dynamic water projection technology to view a short film Shining the Light – Yarning Together.  Auspire worked closely with Lux Events, Fireteller films and cultural consultant Rosemary Walley to build a narrative which tells the story from the perspective of the Elders of Perth. In the film, Elders share their stories of courage and resilience during the time of colonisation, and then shine the light towards a bright, more inclusive future.

The show launched tonight with a sold out crowd of over 2,000 attendees including City of Perth Lord Mayor.

“This Australia Day, we will take time to reflect on our nation’s true history and celebrate our place in the world – a proud, ancient, multicultural nation built on shared values.” said Lord Mayor Basil Zempilas.

Morgen Lewis, CEO of Auspire said the concept for The Story of Us was conceived at the time of the Skyshow cancellation and provided a wonderful solution for the City to still deliver something exciting and memorable in a CovidSafe way.

“Shine the Light offers the Perth community an integrative way to engage and feel a sense of belonging to our National Identity in the lead up to and on Australia Day.” she said. “It includes six different multicultural activations and aboriginal story-telling and puts a spotlight on our diverse Australian Story.”

Shine the Light – The Story of Us will run until Tuesday 26th January. It’s a free event and tickets are being snapped up fast. Bookings are essential.


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