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Auspire Ambassadors of 2019 are proud to volunteer in the Australia day ceremonies of local councils across Western Australia
25 outstanding Auspire Ambassadors attended events across the state covering over 14,500 kilometres including Esperance, Newman, Geraldton, Wagin, Augusta and Broome and throughout the metropolitan area.
Proud to announce new Aboriginal Artist Merchandise Range
Delivering quality products that showcase original and innovative Australian design, we are proud to present our new product range.
Auspire reports growth in programs at the 2018 AGM
At the Auspire’s Annual General Meeting held on Friday 2 November 2018, Ms Kerryn Batten, Auspire Chair reported that the organisation had again delivered a solid year of engagement and impact and demonstrable growth in programs that encourage and promote active participation and contribution to community.
Community Citizen of the Year Awards 2019 – Nominations Open
Every community has local heroes. Auspire – The Australia Day Council WA, Community Citizen of the Year awards is your opportunity to acknowledge those making an outstanding contribution to your local community.