Australian of the Year alumni inspire students at Murdoch University

Auspire was delighted to welcome Year 10s to Murdoch University for the latest Student Forum, to hear from Inspiring Australians Radheya Jegatheva, Rebecca Prince-Ruiz and Julian Pace.
It was another successful event as the three Australian of the Year alumni spoke to the students about their own journey and what, as well as who, has inspired them.
The morning kicked off with a welcome from the day’s MC, Murdoch University alumnus Alex Circosta.
Award-winning filmmaker, Radheya, was the first to take to the floor. The 2019 WA Young Australian of the Year finalist amused and wowed the audience with clips of his work, from the very beginning to now, and discussed how he overcame the obstacles he faced to pursue his creative dream that has enabled him to travel the world.
Founder of Plastic Free July, Rebecca Prince-Ruiz, then put the focus on the issue of plastic pollution. Rebecca is the current WA Local Hero and spoke to the students about the huge plastic problem that is impacting their generation and how they can make a difference. She also inspired them to find something that they cared about.
Finally, the audience were treated to the inspiring words of Julian Pace. Founder of Happiness Co and 2020 WA Finalist Local Hero, Julian engaged the audience with hard-hitting questions on whether they could be nicer to themselves and the people around them.
Alex then brought the three speakers together for a Q&A with questions from Alex himself and the audience. Students were interested to know who has inspired them, any book recommendations, their end goals and general life advice.
Event supporters Noelene Murray, Perdaman CEO and Corporate Relations, and Dane Patrucco, HSE Digital Specialist of Chevron Australia (Australian of the Year Awards Diversity and Inclusion sponsor), outlined their support of these events which help to share stories from inspiring individuals with students.
The day finished with a word from Emma Pelliccione, Future Student Officer at Murdoch University. This was the first Inspiring Australians Student Forum to be held at Murdoch University and we thank them for their generous venue support along with lunch, entertainment and campus tours for the student visitors.
View photos from the forum here.
We look forward to seeing more students at the next Inspiring Australians Student Forum – look out for future events to be announced!