Australia Day Skyworks 2020 Bushfire Appeal
Australia Day Skyworks 2020 Bushfire Appeal
Auspire encourages all who come together at Skyworks on Australia Day 2020 to donate to the appeal, announced by the Premier, in support of those who have lost so much and have a long road ahead to rebuild their lives as a result of the recent bushfires.
The destruction of the recent bushfires has been heartbreaking.
It’s difficult in the face of this devastation to know how to help.
Yet Australians have stepped up to help their neighbours – not just on the fire front but also with their generosity.
Millions have been raised already for those effected, the emergency services, the wildlife and environment.
Through tragedy, we have seen the best of our great nation.
Western Australia stands ready to support the bushfire relief efforts in any way we can. We know Western Australians love the Skyworks, with hundreds of thousands of people expected to attend.
That is why I am proud this year’s Skyworks will be turned into a huge fundraising event to support those impacted by the fires.
Fundraising volunteers will be urging Skyworks attendees to donate on the day via cash or EFTPOS methods to help those in need.
This Australia Day, I look forward to seeing Western Australians dig deep, to show the big heart our community has.
Hon Mark McGowan, Premier
More information on Skyworks can be found here