
Australia Day Ambassadors show support for local communities

  • 31 January 2023

Auspire’s Australia Day Ambassadors headed out across WA, including areas recently hit by extreme floods, to show their support and inspire people with their personal stories of resilience on Australia Day.

2022 WA Local Hero, Craig Hollywood, visited the Shire of Broome, and 2023 WA Senior Australian of the Year finalist, Vince Garreffa, travelled to the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley, where he also donated his book, ‘The Flesh In my Life’, to the local library and awarded it to the Shire’s Community Citizens of the Year.

Large Group of people smiling into camera
Photo credit: Queen Tide Creative

Mr Garreffa wasn’t the only Ambassador to share his story on physical pages – Nilesh Makwana also gifted his book to the Shire of Northam Library and Awards recipients, and 2020 WA Local Hero, Suzy Urbaniak, took her biography-for-kids, ‘Volcano Hunter and STEAM Warrior’ to the Shire of Narembeen, where a local Year 10 keen geologist was lucky enough to receive it. The trend of book-giving demonstrated the longevity of story-telling.

Woman smiling with book next to Australian flag

A total of 23 Ambassadors visited towns and cities around the State, to encourage residents and visitors to reflect, respect and celebrate.

Find out more about Australia Day Ambassadors here.

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