
Australia Day 2023 WA launch recognises that we are all part of the story

  • 19 January 2023

Auspire – Australia Day Council WA officially launched Australia Day 2023 in Perth at Government House on Thursday 19th January.

More than 200 guests assembled on the beautiful terrace under the morning sun, where they experienced a traditional smoking ceremony on arrival at the Reflect Respect Celebrate breakfast.

Auspire Ambassador, Tracy Vo of 9 News Perth, welcomed Auspire Board Member, Barry Winmar to deliver a captivating Welcome to Country.

Man performing Welcome to Country

Auspire Patron, His Excellency The Honourable Chris Dawson, Governor of Western Australia delivered his first Australia Day address since commencing in the role the year prior.

“As we head towards Australia Day, it’s an important time for us to reflect on our place in this nation, on the opportunities that living here present to each of us, and perhaps draw inspiration from our four community campaigners to look outside our own lives to see what we can do for others. We are privileged to live in a country steeped in tens of thousands of years of rich and ancient culture, created and shaped by our First Nations people.”

Governor of Western Australia on stage at Australia Day Launch

Assistant Minister to the Prime Minister, Hon Patrick Gorman MP, took the opportunity to address the recent floods in the Kimberley and talked about how individuals have come to help and support those affected and how these stories of courage, kindness and humility are the stories we hear that reinforce the Australian spirit. It was also the perfect opportunity to farewell the WA 2023 Australian of the Year recipients, and wish them all the best for the 2023 Awards announcement to be held in Canberra at the national ceremony on Wednesday 25th January.

2023 WA Australians of the Year on a stage

Guests were entertained by the very colourful acapella group, Rythmos Choir, who performed original renditions of Kalkadunga Yurdu, Waltzing Matilda and I Am Australian in various languages including Noongar and Swahili. This was followed by live music from Phil Walleystack with a setlist that included Wandjoo and Solid Rock.

Musicians on stage at Australia Day Launch

After some time to enjoy the entertainment and network, Auspire Chairman, Bradley Woods, took to the stage to thank guests for attending the Australia Day Launch and reminded everyone that we’re all part of the story of Australia; from those whose ancestors walked on Country for tens of thousands of years to our newest citizens who have chosen our country as their forever home.

See photos from the event here

Discover what local community events are happening this Australia Day here

Find out more about Australia Day 2023 here

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