
2023 Australian of the Year Taryn Brumfitt launches Embrace Kids program in WA

  • 14 August 2023

On Thursday 10th August, 2023 Australian of the Year Taryn Brumfitt shared the next step in her mission to support Australians to have a positive body image, a cause that has seen incredible momentum following the Australian of the Year Awards.

During the morning event at The University Club of Western Australia, 9News presenter and Auspire Ambassador, Tracy Vo, asked the Body Image Movement and The Embrace Collective founder to share her journey with body image, before turning to her new program, Embrace Kids. Designed to support young people struggling with their own body image today, Embrace Kids comprises research, resources and a documentary of the same name that delves into the effects of having a positive or negative body image.

two people speaking on stage

“If you love your body, then you want to look after it, nourish it, move it and have adventures with it. The opportunity we have with young people is early intervention, where we can help them to build a foundation of values based on who they are and what they do and where appearance is the least interesting thing about you.”

The 180-something audience – which comprised fellow Australian of the Year recipients along with educators, health professionals and members of local and State Government including Mrs Jessica Stojkovski MLA, representing the Premier, and Ms Meredith Hammat MLA, representing the Education Minister – then took the opportunity to ask their own questions, which highlighted that body image goes far beyond just weight.

guests and speakers at event

“For such a long time, body image has been about women weight, but it’s so much more – it’s about how we all feel about our bodies. I’ve had conversations with men who are bald or short or don’t have muscles – everyone has their own set of expectations. If we can choose not to buy into the pressures and celebrate that we all come in different shapes and sizes and diversity is the beauty of life – that’s where our power lies. We weren’t born into the world hating our bodies, it’s something the world has taught us. If we never spoke negatively about our bodies or anybody else’s body again, what would the world look like?”

Guests received a warm Welcome to Country from Auspire Board member, Barry Winmar, and also heard from Auspire CEO, Morgen Lewis.

guests at event

This inspiring breakfast event was the conclusion for Taryn’s visit to Western Australia coordinated by Auspire, which also saw the 2023 Australian of the Year present directly to public educators and discuss the topic with school leaders, thanks to the support of Department of Education WA and the Premier’s Reading Challenge.

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