Our Strategy – Towards 2026
Whether born in Australia or choosing to become an Australian Citizen, our work is about fostering and celebrating active citizenship. This is about getting involved in the community and displaying behaviours and values that unify us as a nation. Values such as respect, inclusion, mateship and fair go, which can help create a sense of belonging and a unified national identity we can all be a part of.

View Auspire’s Strategic Plan Towards 2026 here
Our Purpose
To acknowledge and celebrate Australia’s engaged community members, problem solvers and positive change-makers who inspire active citizenship in others.
Our Vision
That Australia will be recognised as a socially and culturally inclusive society, where people feel a sense of belonging and a desire to contribute.
Our Mission
To create pathways and grow capacity through our programs, initiatives and awards; by promoting role models, and engaging with the community to build connections and collective influence.
Our Values
Respect |
Integrity |
Inclusiveness |
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![]() We value all people for who they are, so that they may share a sense of belonging to our national identity. |
Our Strategic Priorities
To achieve our vision and purposefully execute our mission we have identified four strategic priorities to guide our work and focus our efforts towards 2026.

Strategic Priority one
Develop community capacity for cultural diversity and inclusion.
Goal 1 | Goal 2 | Goal 3 |
Emerging CaLD leaders have opportunities to develop networks and inspire others. |
Growth in awareness and understanding of First Nations’ culture, belief systems and impacts of colonisation. |
Be recognised as a trusted partner for advice and support for cultural diversity, inclusion and belonging. |

Strategic Priority two
Foster thought leadership that helps shape our national identity.
Goal 1 | Goal 2 | Goal 3 |
A network of Ambassadors and Awards Alumni who advocate for Auspire’s vision and mission. |
Public conversations on relevant matters of national importance are simulated and activated. |
Regional communities are engaged, involved and participate in Auspire’s awards and events. |
Strategic Priority three
Expand reach and engagement with our Awards.
Goal 1 | Goal 2 | Goal 3 |
Australian of the Year Awards (WA) attract high-quality nominations, finalists and recipients. |
Community Citizen of the Year Awards are future-proofed and sustainable. |
Aussie of the Month Awards are nationally recognised as the premier, primary-school student awards. |
Strategic Priority four
Build the organisation’s resilience for sustainability.
Goal 1 | Goal 2 | Goal 3 | Goal 4 |
Clear, credible and valued brand positioning. |
Engaged and active Membership, which advocates for and partners with our programs and events. |
Nurture and protect reserves for times of need. |
High-functioning Board leadership and senior management. |