
Mapping Social Cohesion Report highlights importance of multiculturalism in Australia in 2021

  • 30 November 2021

The Scanlon Foundation has launched the 2021 Mapping Social Cohesion Report. The annual report provides unique insight into the strengths, weaknesses and challenges of social cohesion in Australia.

Perhaps most notable within the report was the finding that 60% of people perceive racism to be a fairly or very big problem within Australia, up from 40% in 2020.

The reason for the increase in 2021 is difficult to explain. The report refers to events such as Black Lives Matter protests in mid-2020, perceptions of certain communities being targeted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and a reaction to some State Government policies.

The proportion of people who deemed immigrants to be generally good for Australia’s economy increased from 76% in 2019 to 86% in July 2021, while 86% consider multiculturalism to be good for Australia, compared to 80% in 2019.

The 2021 Mapping Social Cohesion Report is the 15th edition in the national survey series and introduces the new Australian Cohesion Index, which combines subjective and objective indicators of cohesion in Australia for further investigation and conversation.

“It is encouraging to see that the people of Australia are both generally optimistic and increasingly positive about multiculturalism,” said Auspire Community Development Officer, Jacqui Swingler. “They are recognising that immigrants bring new ideas and cultures, are good for the economy and are considered to be good citizens. The results re-iterate the importance of Auspire’s focus on building a sense of belonging through education and building connections.”

For the full 2021 Mapping Social Cohesion Report, click here.

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